A diet is simply what you eat each day. So a detox is a type of diet, BUT…
In a typical diet to lose weight, you find yourself trying to count every calorie you eat, which understandably causes you to become frustrated and give up. At the end of the day, you find yourself hungry and lethargic.
This 21-Day Summer Detox program isn’t about starving your body, fasting, juicing, eating strange food combinations, or taking lots of supplements.
Unlike food allergies, food sensitivities often go undiagnosed because they often don’t produce a clear and immediate reaction.
When you eat foods your body is sensitive to, it creates inflammation in your body.
I’ve developed a program that will explore what foods work best (and which don’t) to give you optimum energy, kickstart changes in your body, and reduce your waistline.
A detox is also about removing toxins from your body. Toxins are stored in fat cells. The more toxins stored in your body, the more fat your body needs to hold on to. Once you remove the toxins, your body will be able to release excess weight.
Once you remove the toxins, your body will be able to release excess weight.
I will take you step-by-step through a simple detox that will make a huge difference in how you feel and look – in just 21 days!
When you eat foods that aren’t right for your body, you may feel bloated, sluggish and lethargic.
The 21-Day Summer Detox gives you the results you are looking for because you will be removing foods that cause inflammation in the body, like bloating. By removing inflammatory foods, the cells in your body will stop holding onto fat.
Detox is NOT a dirty word! It’s about letting go of what doesn’t serve your body anymore (emotionally and physically) and reclaiming your power!
Detox Guide
A complete detox guide so you know what to do and when.
LIVE Online Detox Workshop & Group Calls
A LIVE online workshop to get help you get started with the detox. 2 additional group coaching calls to address any questions you may have.
Daily Protocol
An easy to follow document that you can print out and post on your fridge so you can stay on track.
3 Weeks of Meal Plans with 30 Delicious Recipes
You won’t feel deprived with the amazing menu I have put together for you, and you’ll know exactly what to buy and cook.
Transition Diet
This detox provides options for both newbies and advanced detoxers, so you can make this detox work for you.
Private Online Accountability Group
You will have my personal support and the support of your fellow detoxers each step of the way, so you never feel stuck or like you’re in it alone.
The 21-Day Summer Detox
is INCLUDED in Team Dr. Venus Membership.
The cost of membership is
No long-term contract.
You can cancel at any time.
So you’ll get the ENTIRE 21-day program for JUST $16
AND you’ll be making a difference in the battle to conquer arthritis,
our country’s #1 cause of disability!
I’ll even send you a copy of the receipt thanking you for your donation to the Arthritis Foundation!
This special offer ends on June 7th at 8pm ET.
During this program, you won’t need to take the week off from work, own a juicer or fancy kitchen gadgets or deny yourself the pleasure of delicious food.
While I encourage you to participate on the live calls if at all possible, I will have recordings available, so you can listen from the comfort of your own home.
You may experience slight hunger the first two days of the detox, but you can always add in a snack from the meal plans I have put together for you. The meal plans are packed with amazing recipes that will likely become favorites of yours, even after the detox.
I’ve strived to be at the forefront of the health & fitness industry for more than 20 years now, as a licensed medical physician, certified fitness trainer, and competitive fitness athlete.
My passion for healthy living has taken me to some amazing places and it’s been an inspiration for me throughout my life. I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and a fully-licensed practicing physician specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
I know the human body and what it is capable of when you give it what it needs. By using my tried and trusted comprehensive approach of “first do no harm” and then make things as optimal as they can be, I pride myself on getting the sustainable results that others simply can’t.
I call it science with a good helping of common sense!
The 21-Day Summer Detox
is INCLUDED in Team Dr. Venus Membership.
The cost of membership is
No long-term contract.
You can cancel at any time.
Yes, you’ll get the ENTIRE 21-day program for JUST $16
AND you’ll be supporting hundreds of thousands of people,
young and old, in their fight against arthritis!
I’ll even send you a copy of the receipt thanking you for your donation to the Arthritis Foundation!
Enrollment Ends On June 7th At 8pm ET.
It’s time to stop procrastinating and put your needs first!
I look forward to supporting you during the detox!
Stay Fit! Be Happy!
-Dr. Venus