Pitch Template - Your Perfect Pitch - Dr. Venus
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You should be on TV, on podcasts, & in magazines!

Have you ever watched a morning news show while a guest expert talked about a topic you know really well,

and then thought to yourself, “Why can’t that be me?”

Well, it absolutely can be!

You want to appear on TV, radio, podcasts, & magazines and get seen by thousands of your ideal clients.


You want the respect and credibility that comes with being featured over your competitors.


But you don’t know where to start. And you’re not sure what to write.


No more worries. Let me show you the way!

I’m excited to offer you my FREE
“Quick Start Guide To Your Perfect Media Pitch”

Meet Dr. Venus

Dr. Venus – The Biohacking M.D. – is a licensed physician in the specialty of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation who received her medical training at Yale University, University of Miami, and University of California-Irvine. She has a thriving medical practice in Southern California and has competed for 20 years as a national-level fitness athlete.


A respected fitness trainer with expertise in biohacking human physiology and biomechanics, she’s had clients ranging from single moms to professional athletes, and even an action film star. A repeat guest expert on the TV series “The Doctors” and featured on several other shows including NBC’s “American Gladiators,” and ABC’s “The Bachelor: Paris,” she also contributes to multiple health media outlets including Oxygen Magazine and iHerb.com.


Be sure to grab my FREE
“Quick Start Guide To Your Perfect Media Pitch”