Testimonial - Dr. Venus
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…and these are only a few of my incredible testimonials!

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WITH Team Dr. Venus 1-year membership bonus

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Meet Dr. Venus

I’ve strived to be at the forefront of the health & fitness industry for more than 20 years now, as a licensed medical physician, certified fitness trainer, and competitive fitness athlete.

My passion for healthy living has taken me to some amazing places and it’s been an inspiration for me throughout my life. I’m a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and a fully-licensed practicing physician specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

I know the human body and what it is capable of when you give it what it needs. By using my tried and trusted comprehensive approach of “first do no harm” and then make things as optimal as they can be, I pride myself on getting the sustainable results that others simply can’t.

I call it science with a good helping of common sense!


No Hassle 30-Day

Money Back Guarantee


Discover Your Zen is backed by my Iron-Clad 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If at any time during the next 30 days you decide Discover Your Zen is not right for you, simply cancel the program on your Account page and I’ll give you a refund. It’s that easy.

Discover Your Zen

WITH Team Dr. Venus 1-year membership bonus

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Want to know if my healthy path to zen is for you? I’ve got the answers…

I have specific needs and goals. Will your program address them?

Absolutely! I provide expert guidance and answer your specific questions during our group coaching calls. So you can find out how to tailor the program to optimize it for your individual needs. I use a group coaching format, so we can all encourage one another via the online accountability group.

I’m thinking about hiring a personal trainer. Wouldn’t that work just as well?

There are some great trainers out there, but there also a lot of amateurs who do more harm than good. My program is more comprehensive than any personal training session because it explores the links between body and mind to create your own healthy zen. In that sense, it’s more affordable and gives you better results. It’s also flexible enough for you to fit it into the working day.

I have dietary restrictions. Can you help?

Absolutely! The included meal plans are gluten-free and dairy-free. There are also delicious vegetarian options available!

Do I need to pay for a gym membership?

No, definitely not! Every exercise in the program can be safely performed at home without any special equipment.


Limited Time Offer!

Regular Price: $499

Discover Your Zen

WITH Team Dr. Venus 1-year membership bonus

Only $97


Ends 11:59pm ET April 5th 2018

 Discover Your Zen Today!