Just do these FIVE things:
1) Check your email and CONFIRM YOUR REGISTRATION for the program. This makes sure you get the daily emails which guide you through the 7-Day SIMPLY STUNNING Lifestyle Program. (You may need to check your Bulk, Spam, or Promo folders to find this confirmation email.)
You will receive one daily email with an Action Step to implement for each of the 7 days of this program. And yes, each step can be done in just 25 minutes.
2) Add TEAM@DOCTORVENUS.COM to your email contacts so that you won’t have to search through your Bulk, Spam, or Promo folders to get my daily coaching.
3) Join our private Facebook Group so that you can ask your questions and get my coaching throughout the program. It’s an active community of all those who participate in my programs. We’re here to support you! Here’s the link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CommitToFitCrew/
4) Invite your friends to join you for this FREE program – the more, the merrier, so spread the word! You can share this link so your friends know exactly how to get started – www.DoctorVenus.com/stunning
5) Download your sample meal and workout plans at the links below. These will give you ideas for recipes and exercises you can try out.
7-Day Meal Plan
7-Day Meal Plan Recipes
7-Day Workout Plan
Your program begins tomorrow. WELCOME!!
-Dr. Venus